Download SmartGit 23.1

Version (Change Log)
Download for Windows
Windows 10+ (64-bit), Installer  
Size: 126,313,933 Bytes
SHA-1: ea7a133319dbf028d54691f8dcc2c777953a5650
Portable Bundle
Windows 10+ (64-bit), Archive (7z)  
Size: 106,800,332 Bytes
SHA-1: c021ae9cca4aa26fb7625ad21a2bfe173ebcf1f1
Download for macOS
macOS 10.14 - 15, Archive (dmg)  
Size: 84,783,568 Bytes
SHA-1: cfd5d1d6b9cc3da015a8ae5764ec701ffcb7f74a
Bundle for ARM64/M1
macOS 11 - 15, Archive (dmg)  
Size: 83,980,871 Bytes
SHA-1: 19bf2dde29d8dc4403d993fac60ab413e3089130
Download for Linux
Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+), Archive (tar.gz)  
Size: 109,898,819 Bytes
SHA-1: 93e06dcd6953ca4a312c8f3e71da54afeef9bb66
Debian Bundle (not recommended)
Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+), Archive (deb)  
Size: 54,202,026 Bytes
SHA-1: bddeda8cf55740bd8fa9f045a700260bc9aa4a1b

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Installation Instructions

If you have an older SmartGit version installed, exit SmartGit (Windows and Linux: using Repositories | Exit, macOS: using Cmd+Q).

Windows (installer bundle)

  • unpack the downloaded zip file,
  • launch the installer and follow the instructions

Windows (portable bundle)

  • unpack the downloaded 7z file into an arbitrary directory of your choice (don't unpack over an existing installation!),
  • start SmartGit: invoke bin\smartgit.exe


  • double-click the downloaded dmg file
  • copy the contained application directory structure to a directory of your choice (typically /Applications)
  • if you prefer, drag & drop the application to the dock to create an icon

Linux (tar.gz bundle)

  • unpack the downloaded file into a directory of your choice (don't unpack over an existing installation!):
    tar xzf <smartgit*.tar.gz>
  • start SmartGit: invoke bin/
  • create SmartGit menu item: invoke
  • remove SmartGit menu item: invoke

Linux (deb bundle)

  • install SmartGit:
    sudo dpkg -i <smartgit*.deb>
  • if some dependencies are unmet, invoke
    sudo apt --fix-broken install

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Manual / How-Tos

Check out the manual and browse the How-Tos.


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Contact Support

Contact our support at [email protected].