What users say about SmartGit
John Papa Just purchased SmartGit. Absolutely fantastic github tool. Heads and shoulders better than any other I have used.
Ferhat Dogru Thanks SmartGit, we achieved our goal earlier and flawless as butter. Thank you for that great product again!
Daniel Griscom I can't imagine a better way to make sure my changes are consistent and complete.

Manage Pull Requests
Contributors can create and send a Pull Request immediately after committing changes.
Maintainers can fetch the Pull Request, review it locally, merge it, comment it or reject it.
Review and Comment Commits
Reviewers can browse through a commit locally, comment individual lines and manage comments.
Developers can check and process their comments, or continue discussion by replying to the reviewer.

Clone your or your orgs' repositories
Clone lists your own repositories and the repositories of the orgs you are belonging to. You can simply pick from this list.
GitHub Enterprise support
All GitHub features work with your company's GitHub Enterprise instance as well. You can have multiple accounts, one for github.com and one for each GitHub Enterprise instance you are connected to.